By Freedom Determined

Sergio Montes Navarro
3 min readMar 30, 2023


We’re all just drifters on this dusty road,
Bound by the laws of cause and effect.
Our actions and choices, not our own,
Just a part of the Cosmic dialect.

We’re just little drops in the ocean,
Tiny fragments of a greater notion.
Our choices and actions seem our own,
But in truth, they’re mere ripples in the flow.

Trapped in a world of cause and effect,
Our actions and choices, we can’t deflect.
Bound by the chains of determinism,
Can’t break free from this prison of realism.

But we’re not just individuals, you see,
We’re part of the Cosmos, one and all.
And the Cosmos can’t have a source or cause,
As nothing exists outside the Cosmic whole.

It’s all unsourced, uncreated, uncaused,
A beautiful, chaotic, freedom dance.
And we, as individuals, may feel trapped,
But we’re just caught up, in the Cosmic trance.

It’s the freedom of the Universe,
That flows through our veins.
Every action and decision,
Just a piece of the cosmic chain.

We’re all just riders, on this Cosmic whirlwind,
And the journey is the destination, my friend.
So hold on tight, and enjoy the ride,
For the freedom of the Cosmos is on our side.

And don’t be fooled by the illusion of control,
Our actions and choices are part of a greater whole.
Determined by the inherent freedom of the Cosmos,
We’re just a part of a grander, mystical show.

Let’s not worry about our predetermined fate,
Or the chains of cause and effect that bind.
For we’re all just a part of the Cosmic play,
And our freedom inherent, in the Cosmic mind.

We’re determined, yeah, that much is true,
But it’s by the freedom of the Cosmos we’re tied to.
Our actions and choices, they ain’t just our own,
They’re a part of the cosmic dance, of its show.

So don’t go thinking you’re in control,
That you’re the master of your fate.
Just sit back and enjoy this ride,
And let the Cosmos navigate.

Embrace the mystery, my friend,
And let go of the need to pretend.
Our lives are a part of a cosmic symphony,
Determined by forces beyond you and me.

Imagine all the people, trapped in a web,
Of cause and effect, of paths pre-set.
Every choice, every move, seemingly fixed,
But we are not just individuals, no, we are part of the mix.

The Cosmos it surrounds us, in every single way,
It’s the source of our being, the reason we sway.
And it cannot be caused, it cannot have a start,
For existence itself, is its very heart.

We are all just pieces, in the grand Cosmic game,
Determined by a freedom, that’s inherent and untamed.
We can’t control the forces, that shape our every move,
But we can embrace the freedom, that’s within and true.

Let us dance our dance, in this great cosmic play,
Knowing our choices are part of the way.
For in the end, is the Cosmos that holds the key,
And its freedom is all freedom that we’ll ever be.

Dance to the beat of the Cosmic drum,
And know that you are part of something greater to come.
For in the freedom of the unsourced and uncaused,
Lies the true beauty of the Universe and its laws.

We’ll keep on drifting down this dusty road,
With the Cosmic wind at our back.
And we’ll dance to the beat of the Universe,
Knowing we’re just a part of its Cosmic track.

Bonus lyrics for the extended version:
In this world, we’re but a part
Of something greater, with a beating heart
Our actions, they may seem our own
But in truth, we’re just a leaf that’s blown

For all that we do and all we say
Is but a product of the cosmic play
We cannot be free on our own
But as a part of the Cosmos, we’ve grown

The Universe, it cannot have a start
Or a cause that set it all apart
For any source that can exist
Must be a part of this cosmic mist

And so we are all intertwined
In the fabric of the Universe’s design
We are both bound and set free
By the very essence of what we sing

So let us embrace our cosmic ties
And feel the Universe as it sings and sighs
For we are not just individuals, you see
But part of something greater, wild and free.



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