the View from Above
we are all parts growing out of the cosmos
like hairs or nails
just growing out
and our minds
are also just
another part
of this same process
our judgments and choices and thoughts
growing out of our brains
that grow out of
the cosmos
and this is why
it does not make sense
to get angry
or retaliate
because that nail
that hair
the mind or action caused
by this thought
this judgment
from the person who spread
those malicious rumours
behind your back
is also the cosmos
unfolding its changes
according to
rational logos
and even those
you love the most
but chose to distrust you
due to irrational fears
and lack of wisdom
sentencing you
without even judging you
they are also the cosmos
whose changes unfold
according to logos
the inherent and immanent
rational principle
that permeates the whole cosmos
and we are it
— the cosmos —
not just some
but all of us are
so what is there to complain?
what is there to reject?
and no one to blame